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MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT2

by 하나는외계인 2022. 8. 14.

MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT2

Grades 10/0-10



1. Learning Journal Reflective Comments:

Write short reflective comments or notes about your learning activities during the week. It is highly recommended that you make these entries on a daily basis. You will be assessed on the completeness of your Learning Journal, and the quality of your self-reflection.

You should date each entry, and use clear titles and sub-headings.  These entries should be brief, direct sentences indicating quick comments or notes such as:

* when you completed each step in the Learning Guide during the week,

* any problems or unexpected events that occurred during the week (including problems understanding new or old material), and

* any other noteworthy that might affect your performance in this class.

There is no need to include personal information or details of family events, but be sure to mention the existence of any situations that will positively or negatively affect your ability to focus on the classwork.

2. Vocabulary and R functions

a) Define the word frequency as it was used in Chapter 2 (include an APA citation).

b) Define the phrase relative frequency as it was used in Chapter 2 (include an APA citation).

c) What is the difference between frequency and relative frequency?

3. More practice with R

a) Run interactive R and then run this command:


b) Run the following command and paste the output into your learning journal to demonstrate that you have the file:

ex.1 <- read.csv('ex1.csv')




1. Learning Journal Reflective Comments:

6/25  Reading learning guide. Watching videos.

6/27  Reading the textbook. Watched videos again, and did the same on R.

6/28  Applying to discussion post. Applying to written assignment this week. 

6/29  I worked outside and was exhausted....

6/30   Applying to learning journal.



2. Vocabulary and R functions

a) Define the word frequency as it was used in Chapter 2 (include an APA citation).

"A frequency is the number of times a given datum occurs in a data set" (Yakir, 2011, chap.2).


b) Define the phrase relative frequency as it was used in Chapter 2 (include an APA citation).

"A relative frequency is the fraction of times a value occurs" and "to nd the relative frequencies, divide each frequency by the total number of students in the sample"  (Yakir, 2011, chap.2).


c) What is the difference between frequency and relative frequency?

Frequency is calculated relative to the actual values of each class in the statistical dataset, but relative frequency shows the proportion of data points that have each value.


3. More practice with R

a) Run interactive R and then run this command:




b) Run the following command and paste the output into your learning journal to demonstrate that you have the file:

ex.1 <- read.csv('ex1.csv')


id              sex                heigh

Min.   :1538611   Length:100         Min.   :117.0

1st Qu.:3339583   Class :character   1st Qu.:158.0

Median :5105620   Mode  :character   Median :171.0

Mean   :5412367                      Mean   :170.1

3rd Qu.:7622236                      3rd Qu.:180.2

Max.   :9878130                      Max.   :208.0


Thank you for your instruction, professor. Have a nice day!!!




Yakir, B. (2011). Introduction to statistical thinking (with R, without calculus). The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Statistics. Retrieved from https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/1524524/mod_resource/content/4/IntroStat.pdf


