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HS3210 UNIT8 DF: SIDS For your initial post, consider the importance of education and the prevention of SIDS. Answer the following questions: 1. Who would be your target audience? Include age range, sex, ethnicity, etc. and your reason why you would target this specific group. Japanese couple about to give birth Parents of newborns 2. How would you deliver your message and why would you pick this method? Postpartum c.. 2023. 1. 5.
HS3311 UNIT7 LJ COVID-19 surveillance COVID-19 is caused by a novel coronavirus related to SARS-CoV and" named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)," which is classified as a "betacoronavirus belonging to the subgenus Sarbecovirus" (Ciotti et al., 2020, para.1). The main symptoms are fever, sore throat and cough, fatigue, headache, loss of taste or smell, difficulty breathing, etc. The SARS-CoV2 virus is cont.. 2022. 12. 30.
HS3311 UNIT7 DF notifiable diseases System of Notifiable Infectious Disease Surveillance in Japan In Japan, notifiable infectious diseases are classified into categories 1 to 5 according to their infectivity, severity, and high fatality rate. For example, Category 1: Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, smallpox, South American hemorrhagic fever, plague, Marburg disease, Lassa fever Category 2: Acute poliomyel.. 2022. 12. 29.
HS3210 UNIT7 DF: genetic testing 1. Define and contrast predictive, diagnostic, presymptomatic, and carrier testing. Predictive testing involves genetic testing of asymptomatic people to predict their risk of future disease. Presymptomatic testing is done on people who do not show disease symptoms but are at risk of developing the disorder. These two tests are usually used to detect genetic mutations associated with disorders t.. 2022. 12. 29.
HS3311 UNIT6 LJ: synergistic interaction / antagonistic interaction 1. Discuss your understanding of interaction and how it applies in an epidemiological study. "Biological interaction occurs" when the effect of one risk factor is different within strata defined by the other" (Kanchanaraksa, 2008, p.3). There is no biological interaction between two risk factors if the two groups under study have the same risk, and there is a biological interaction if the risk i.. 2022. 12. 23.
H3210 UNIT6 LJ: Breast cancer treatment selection 1. Briefly describe the disease, including the types of people affected by it and how it develops. I chose breast cancer for this learning journal. Breast cancer is caused by abnormal growth of breast cells in the ducts, lobules, or other cells and tissues within the breast (1Mayo Clinic Staff, 2022). These abnormal cells "divide more rapidly than healthy cells do and continue to accumulate, for.. 2022. 12. 23.
HS3210 UNIT6 DF: Lactose Intolerance Guide 1. What is the Lactose Intolerance Lactose intolerance is a disorder that causes gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, and poor weight gain, due to the inability to digest and absorb lactose because the activity of the enzyme that breaks down lactose, a sugar contained in milk, is reduced. 2. Causes of Lactose Intolerance Usually, when lactose is ingested into the body, .. 2022. 12. 22.
일본 드라마 - 아톰의 아이 (아톰의 도전) 1화 리뷰/스포 줄거리 주인공 나유타는 예전에는 명작이라 불리는 게임을 만드는 천재 게임 크리에이터였지만 어떤 일이 계기가 되어 게임 만들기를 그만두고 말았다.6년이 지난 어느 날 e스포츠 대회에서 과거 숙적·거대 IT기업의 SAGAS 사장인 오키츠 와 재회한다. 친구의 목숨과 게임을 빼앗긴 천재들이 노포 완구업체 아톰과 만나, 돈의 망자인 대기업 사장에게 창의력과 우정으로 복수를 하는 이야기. 1화 스포 2015년, 나유타(야마자키 켄토)는 하야토(마쓰시타 코헤이)·코우야(야나기 슌타로)와 게임 「다운웰」을 개발했다. 개발 6년이 지난 현재에도 '다운웰'은 플레이어 만족도에서 일본 1위를 유지하는 대인기 게임이다.이들 3명은 '존 두'라고 자칭하며 전 세계에서 천재 게임 크리에이터로 알려져 있었다.그러나 2021년 현.. 2022. 12. 18.
Prevention Strategies and Treatment of Ischemic Heart Diseases P.1 Definition of ischemic heart diseases. A condition in which the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle, are narrowed or blocked, impeding the flow of blood to the heart muscle and causing oxygen deficiency in the heart muscle. Diseases included in ischemic heart disease ・angina pectoris ・Aortic aneurysm ・Myocardial infarction... etc. P.2 Lecture Outline This lecture will f.. 2022. 12. 15.
Assessing health trends of Japan (WHO) Using the World Health Statistics from 2012 (https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/44844), choose 1 country, and analyze its health trends based on the information provided, using your readings to support your reasons for focusing on specific data and information, as well as the relevance to the country context. Explain why the statistics that you chose to analyze are adequate indicators of hea.. 2022. 12. 14.
The relationship between HIV and TB A population-based case-control study was carried out in Mwanza Region, Tanzania, to determine the relative and population attributable risk of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection for developing active tuberculosis. Cases were 441 consecutively diagnosed patients with tuberculosis (all types), aged 15-54 years. Controls were a representative population sample of 4161 people, dr.. 2022. 12. 14.
The HPV vaccine debate in Japan Pro/Con Debate Choose a controversial topic regarding a disease or health concept. Examples include severing the corpus callosum to treat severe epilepsy (split brain surgery) or the vaccine debate (are they necessary? Do they cause autism?) or cell phones causing cancer. In your initial response, choose one side of the argument: for or against. Research the issue thoroughly and support your arg.. 2022. 12. 14.