반응형 Psychology/PSYC11116 GCT - Relation Between Psychological Conditions and Pain Perception We know that our mental states have a big influence on our physical conditions. I will describe how psychological conditions related to pain perception based on GCT and the positive effects of blogging about chronic pain based on this week's reading and illness in this written assignment. According to Ogden(2019), the Gate Control Theory of Pain by Melzack and Wall (1965) is the theory which "in.. 2021. 6. 16. Relationship Between Health Belief and Unhealthy Behavior All of us want to live happily and healthily. Some people go to a gym for training or go jogging every day. What should we pay attention to to maintain our health first? I will describe how health beliefs relate to unhealthy behaviors in this assignment. Health behaviors include smoking habits, eating foods high in fat, drinking large amounts of alcohol, and having a sedentary lifestyle, which s.. 2021. 6. 16. Why Women Live Longer Than Men - Gender Differences in Disease and Longevity We know that there are gender differences in illness and symptoms for men and women. I will describe what causes these differences and which potential explanation is the most likely to account for differences and reasons in longevity between females and males in this written assignment. We should not ignore these important elements to maintain our health more effectively and efficiently. Today, .. 2021. 6. 16. Problem-focused Coping and Emotion-focused Coping for Stress We all often face stress in various situations. I especially felt the biggest stress in my life from the entrance exam for high school. And I suffered from chronic stomach aches due to pressure and tension. I will describe how I coped with that stressful circumstance based on this week's reading in this discussion forum. Problem-focused coping includes attempting to take action to increase the r.. 2021. 6. 16. The reason why people hesitate to go to hospital and its solution Some people delay or even avoid going to the doctor. What are the reasons for this problem? How to solve these problems? I will describe this subject in this assignment. First, I raise the practical cost the reason people hesitate to go to the hospital. We need time off work if we are working, as Ogden(2019) said. It is a serious problem in my country; many working people prioritized their work .. 2021. 6. 16. Improving Health-related Behavior at the Population Level Changing health-related behavior has various difficulties, as we learned through this course. Various beliefs help us and also bother us at the same time. We learned how to overcome the difficulties this week. I will share my thinking about improving health-related behavior at the population level in this assignment. One of the effective methods for improving health-related behavior at the popul.. 2021. 6. 16. 이전 1 다음