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MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT8

by 하나는외계인 2022. 8. 14.

MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT8

Grades 10/0-10



1) List what you consider are the most important concepts you have learned in this course.


2) What study tips would you give to students who enroll in this class next term?  You can discuss whatever you think might be useful: time-management tips, what to study, how to study, what to do, or what not to do.




1) List what you consider are the most important concepts you have learned in this course.


・Using the R programs

・"The Exponential distribution is frequently used to model times between events” (Yakir, 2011, p.79). It can be used to represent the interval between two events. 

・Binomial distribution measures the probability of success or failure in an experiment or investigation repeated multiple times (Yakir, 2011). 

・Qualitative data is equal to the factor and quantitative data is equal to the numeric.

・The normal distribution is a tool used primarily to understand the distribution of factors within a population and to identify causes and probabilities (Yakir, 2011). The most fundamental property of the normal distribution is that the mean, mode, and median match. Poisson Distribution is also similar to the normal distribution.

・A sampling Distribution identifies "the probability of each value of the sample average, thus obtaining the sampling distribution of the sample average," and it is the probability distribution of a statistic which is a function of the sample obtained through a large number of samples drawn from a particular population (Yakir, 2011, p.106). 

・The Law of Large Numbers is "a mathematical theorem that describes the sampling distribution of the average for large samples," and "as the sample size becomes larger, the sampling distribution of the sample average becomes more and more concentrated about the expectation" (Yakir, 2011, p. 115).



2) What study tips would you give to students who enroll in this class next term?  You can discuss whatever you think might be useful: time-management tips, what to study, how to study, what to do, or what not to do.

・Spend much time on this course

・Read the textbook again and again and understand vocabulary perfectly

・Practice using the R program again and again

・Try self-quiz every week and review the contents

・Do up until the part you don’t understand


Time-management tips

・Read the learning guide first at the beginning of the week to quickly grasp the tasks for the week.

・Plan how long each assignment will take and allow 4-5 hours before the deadline.


What to do

・Take enough time for each assignment

・Understand vocabulary perfectly

・Do up until the part you don’t understand


What not to do

・Satisfied with only finding the answer

・Wait until the deadline



Thank you so much for your instruction, professor.

Have a nice day:)




Yakir. B, (2011). Introduction to Statistical Thinking (With R, Without Calculus). Retrieved from https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/1097279/mod_book/chapter/267923/MATH1280RInstall Notes. pdf

