Discuss and state the Learning Journal question/task and its requirements.
Recall the food diary that you filled in for Unit 1. Do you think that using a food diary is an accurate way to measure food intake and assure you are meeting DRI recommendations? Please explain your answer. If you disagree, please provide suggestions on how to improve the food diary.
1. Recall the food diary that you filled in for Unit 1. Do you think that using a food diary is an accurate way to measure food intake and assure you are meeting DRI recommendations?
"Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are the recommendation levels for specific nutrients and consist of a number of different types of recommendations" and it helps the average person and particular groups of people who may need help reaching nutritional goals determine whether their intake of a specific nutrient is adequate (Zimmerman & Snow, 2012, chap.2).
We can know the average DRI based on gender, age, body type, activity level, etc. And a food diary is a record of what we eat, and if we can accurately record the types and amounts of food we consume, it might help to measure food intake and assure we are meeting DRI recommendations. However, as the textbook explains, a blood test is necessary to find out our true personal requirements for vitamin D, etc.; and "this may be considerably more or less than the DRI, depending on what your level actually is" (Zimmerman & Snow, 2012, chap.2).
Therefore, using a food diary alone may not be sufficient to confirm to assure we are meeting DRI recommendations; still a food diary is practical to record the amount of food eaten and the nutrients ingested.
2. If you disagree, please provide suggestions on how to improve the food diary.
The food diary itself has nothing to need to change. We can request an analysis, including a blood test, from a professional to determine our true DRI.
Thank you for your instruction, professor. Have a nice day!!
Zimmerman, M., & Snow, B. (2012). 2.4 National Goals for Nutrition and Health: Healthy People 2020. In An Introduction to Nutrition, V1.0. Unnamed Publisher. Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-introduction-to-nutrition/s05-06-a-fresh-perspective-sustainabl.html