The Learning Journal allows you to step back and reflect on the concepts you studied in this unit.
In the Learning Journal, evaluate your own health practices. What changes to your behavior would support improved immunity? Consider the structural (anatomic) or functional (physiologic) consequences of your proposed behavioral changes.
Be sure that your Learning Journal entry is a minimum of 500 words.
According to the textbook, the immune system is a complex collection of cells and organs that destroy or neutralize pathogens that cause disease and death (OpenStax, 2018). In this learning journal, I identify and evaluate my certain health practices and whether those would support improving my immunity or not.
The immune function has three phases; it is composed of a barrier defense that prevents pathogens from entering from outside, such as skin and mucous membranes, a rapid but non-specific innate immune response consisting of various specialized cells and soluble factors, and a slow but more specific effective adaptive immune response controlled by leukocytes (OpenStax, 2018). It is essential to strengthening these components to boost the immune system.
1. Hygiene management
CDC recommends we wash our hands before and after eating, before and after caring for the sick or injured, after blow nose, coughing or sneezing, and after defecating or touching trash (1CDC, 2022). Using soap and rubbing helps lift dirt, grease, and pathogenic microbes from our skin and wash them from our hands, and studies have shown that washing hands for about 15 to 30 seconds is more effective than washing them for a short period (2CDC, 2022).
I have a habit of washing my hands with soap and gargling, and frequently disinfecting throughout the day. For example, when I come home, before preparing food, before eating, after excreting, after cleaning. This method effectively removes pathogens adhering to the skin and mucous membranes, assisting the function of barrier defense and making it more effective. Personally, I wash my hands more often and more carefully during the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season.
2. Appropriate exercise and rest
Studies reveal that approximately 30 to 45 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic exercise daily maximizes the activity of immune system defense cells and circulation (Lindberg, 2022). When we exercise, our muscles move, our body temperature rises, blood circulation is promoted, and oxygen and nutrients are delivered to every corner of our body. Increased body temperature activates the immune cells in white blood, maximizing their performance.
I work from home during the day and study at night, so it is hard to find time to exercise. Out of my 24 hours a day, I spend nearly 20 hours sitting in a chair. However, it is just my excuse, it is not that I do not have time to exercise, I do not have the energy or desire to do it. By taking time and investing my efforts in my health, I can have a healthier and more motivated day. I want to go swimming or do home training from now.
3. Meals
The function of immunity can be maintained appropriately for proteins that make body cells and immune substances. It is important to eat a well-balanced diet of meat, fish, eggs, and soybean products, try to take in high-quality protein, and take in a well-balanced intake of carbohydrates, which are the source of the body's vitality, as well as vegetables and fruits. Especially, green tea, cocoa, red wine, buckwheat, vegetables, and fruits are rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidants, and polyphenols are known to enhance the activity of white blood cells (Ding, 2018). My daily diet is rich in polyphenols.
In terms of diet, I have a balanced diet that boosts my immunity, but I need to do it steadily every day. When I am busy, I often eat only one meal daily, so I need to improve my eating habits. In addition, we can maintain and improve our immune system by following a proper diet balance and meal frequency.
The immune system is a complex collection of cells and organs that destroy or neutralize pathogens that cause disease and death (OpenStax, 2018). We can boost our immune systems by managing hygiene, applying appropriate exercise and rest, and meals. The habit of washing my hands with soap and gargling, and frequently disinfecting effectively removes pathogens adhering to the skin and mucous membranes, assisting the function of barrier defense and making it more effective. Exercise also raises our heart rate, raises our body temperature, and at the same time, promotes blood circulation, which activates white blood cells in the blood and enhances immunity. In addition, we can maintain and improve our immune system by following a proper diet balance and meal frequency.
Thank you, professor. Have a nice day!! (717 words)
1CDC. (2022). When and How to Wash Your Hands. Center for Disease Control. Retrieved from
2CDC. (2022). Show Me the Science – How to Wash Your Hands. Center for Disease Control. Retrieved from
Ding, S., Jiang, H., & Fang, J. (2018). Regulation of Immune Function by Polyphenols. Journal of immunology research, 2018, 1264074. Retrieved from
Lindberg, S. (2022). Does exercise boost the immune system? Healthline. Retrieved from
OpenStax. (2018). Anatomy & physiology. Houston, TX: Rice University. Retrieved from