반응형 the Law of Large Numbers3 MATH1280 Statistics 1 Discussion forum UNIT8 MATH1280 Statistics 1 Discussion forum UNIT8 Grades 9.67/0-10 In past courses, some students have had trouble with the main topics of Chapter 7, so let's review it here. Imagine that you had to explain the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem to a person who has never heard of these things. Write an explanation to help this person understand these concepts. If you use a technical t.. 2022. 8. 14. MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT8 MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT8 Grades 10/0-10 1) List what you consider are the most important concepts you have learned in this course. 2) What study tips would you give to students who enroll in this class next term? You can discuss whatever you think might be useful: time-management tips, what to study, how to study, what to do, or what not to do. -------------------------------.. 2022. 8. 14. MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT7 MATH1280 Statistics 1 Learning journal UNIT7 Grades 10/0-10 1. Learning Journal Reflective Comments: Write short reflective comments or notes about your learning activities during the week. It is highly recommended that you make these entries on a daily basis. You will be assessed on the completeness of your Learning Journal, and the quality of your self-reflection. You should date each entry, a.. 2022. 8. 14. 이전 1 다음