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Good and Bad Example of Feedback

by 하나는외계인 2021. 7. 3.



Forsythe, A., and Johnson, S. explain feedback as "an emotional business in which personal disposition influences what is attended to, encoded, consolidated and eventually retrieved"(2017, p.850). It is frequently performed between superiors and subordinates in their daily work and helps subordinates correct actions and motivate them to achieve their goals.


 First, I will share an example of when I received effective feedback that helped me improve my performance and make that feedback helpful. I am working as an exterior designer in a Japanese construction company. To explain it briefly, I design the garden and propose various ideas for customers. I have to correspond to unexpected situations, such as sudden dimension change, changing the construction schedule due to bad weather, and customer claims caused by misunderstandings almost every day. 


 After I graduated high school, I did not know or experience this field when joining this company. Moreover, it was my first time working in social. I especially felt difficulties getting used to peculiar communication methods in Japanese construction companies. I reported to superiors and the persons concerned after I handle everything usually, but the Japanese company, especially old-timers, require us to report at all such times even there is no progress; nonetheless, they do not contact me to ask about the progress, but just waiting that I am reporting by myself. And they complain to my immediate supervisor, not to me, if I delay in reporting. On the other hand, my immediate supervisor always gives me meaningful feedback. He suggests that I check the situation where mistakes occur, identify the cause, and devise measures to prevent a recurrence. In this case, he explained the unique culture and decided to schedule to report daily with me. As a result, my anxiety disappeared, and it led to an increase in motivation by thinking about how to solve the problem and implementing a certain method. It has been one year since I started working that I could get into the habit of reporting.




 Second, I also share an example of when you received feedback that was not helpful and why it made that feedback ineffective. Once tremendous jobs were requested at one time. My thinking ability was considerably reduced due to sleep disorders from stress and personal circumstances at that time. I couldn't sort out the tasks I had to do, could not say I can not do it, could not ask someone for help, so my thinking was completely stopped. My direct supervisor told me that 'There is nothing to prioritize over the job as long as you receive money' and suggested that I spend less time on other studies or any other things. I felt a great refusal to his way of thinking and suggestion. I told him to tell him that I would not undertake work other than the contents of the employment contract anymore because I decided to work as a part-timer to set aside time to study in university. What I mean is, I will do the bare minimum work and give up making further efforts. His feedback did not focus on solving the problem and was not appropriate, which discouraged me; it took away my motivation for the work.


 In conclusion, I conclude about the characteristics of effective feedback as positive and problem‐solving thought using my two examples. Effective feedback always helps to maintain our motivation and positive attitude for the work. I am not a manager, but I will tell subordinates that they are not alone if I were a manager. I will think about how they can solve problems together, improve performance, and ultimately help them take action independently.





Forsythe, A., & Johnson, S. (2017). Thanks, but no-thanks for the feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(6), 850-859.Retrieved from https://wlv.openrepository.com/bitstream/handle/2436/622382/Thanks,%20but%20no-thanks%20for%20the%20feedback.pdf?sequence=3

