Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the most important aspect of a college degree. But it sometimes can bring us difficulties due to differences between college and high school. I will describe the definition and importance of critical thinking in this assignment.
What is critical thinking? I define critical thinking as bring to bear our own distinctive cognition on various matters based on our own background knowledge or sense of identity. (TeachThought Staff, 2017) Critical thinking is useful to depth our knowledge that surpasses the subject itself and expands outward. Also, employers prefer an emphasis on critical thinking when they employ someone. It surely helps us to succeed not in college but also after graduation.
But employers often insist that graduates, both from undergraduate and graduate programs lack skills of thinking critically, why? I think this is because most of the students have never experienced applying critical thinking to real tasks. There is a great difference between learning how to thinking critically on college assignments or study subjects and resolving problems practically using critical thinking. We know that some students are not proficient in thinking critically, but we can not say that employers' claim is justified for this reason.
Of course, colleges have some responsibility to teach and help students to acquire critical thinking. But the students themselves are taking the biggest responsibility for this, and the college's side of responsibility has limited. Because the students themselves only can think and analyze the matters to notice their own ideas actually. No one can study instead of them. All college students must determine themselves to make the best efforts to prosper their own perspectives through every college assignment.
I explained the matters of critical thinking through this discussion assignment. Employers' claim that graduates are lack skills of thinking critically is not justified. The students themselves are taking the biggest responsibility to acquire critical thinking and succeed in every situation. I hope all of the students can be successful in every circumstance by paying more attention to cultivate critical thinking skills.
批判的思考とは何ですか?私は批判的思考を、私たち自身の背景知識やアイデンティティの感覚に基づいて、さまざまな問題について私たち自身の独特の認識をもたらすことと定義しています。 (TeachThought Staff、2017)批判的思考は、主題自体を超えて外側に広がる知識を深めるのに役立ちます。また、雇用主は、誰かを雇用するときに批判的思考に重点を置くことを好みます。それは確かに私たちが大学だけでなく卒業後も成功するのに役立ちます。
TeachThought Staff. (2017). 48 Critical Thinking Questions For Any Content Area -. Retrieved from
48 Critical Thinking Questions For Any Content Area |
Critical thinking questions include, 'Why is this important? What are the causes and effects of this? How do we know if this is true?"
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