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ENVS1301 UNIT4 Discussion Forum: Ecosystems and Human Well-Being Important details about the discussion of Unit 4 Your posts should cover the questions below in full, and be at least 300 words long. Then reply to and peer-review at least three other posts by next Wednesday 11:59PM university Time, and rate the posts and replies. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) assessed the consequences of ecosystem change on human well-being. From 2001 to 2005, the .. 2022. 5. 7.
Protection of Ecosystem Services and Economic Activity; in case of Japan 1. How are these services endangered, and what economic costs to society do you foresee with their loss? "Ecosystem services contribute significantly to global employment and economic activity, especially the ecosystem service of food production contributes the most to economic activity and employment" (p. 63). Fishing is a vital industry in Japan, providing employment to many people. On April 1.. 2022. 4. 29.
AHIST1401 UNIT1 Learning Journal: Definition of Art The Learning Journal is a tool for self-reflection on the learning process. In addition to completing directed tasks, you should use the Learning Journal to document your activities, record problems you may have encountered and to draft answers for Discussion Forums and Assignments. The Learning Journal should be updated regularly (on a weekly basis), as the learning journals will be assessed as.. 2022. 4. 25.
AHIST1401 UNIT1 Written Assignment: "Statue of Memi and Sabu" and "Seated Statue of Gudea" In an essay compare and contrast the sculptures below, considering the effect the intended purpose or function has on the appearance of the sculptures. Statue of Memi and Sabu: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/48.111 Seated Statue of Gudea: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/59.2 Your essay should be a minimum of 400 words. Essays should be well-written and organized and contai.. 2022. 4. 25.
AHIST1401 UNIT1 Discussion Forum: The Great Wave Choose and identify your favorite work of art. Your choice can be from any time and place and can challenge the traditional definitions of art. What visual qualities make this item your favorite? Include in your discussion, as appropriate, descriptions of the artist’s (or creator’s) use of formal elements such as line, shape, color, space and other design elements. You may wish to include a link.. 2022. 4. 25.
ENVS1301 UNIT2 Learning Journal: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Carrying Capacity in the Earth Go to the EPA website and learn about “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” Are any of these options and/or types of programs available in YOUR local community/village/town? Which ones? Explain. What about in your home? Explain. If none are used in your local town or home, which could be? Explain. Please outline in your own words, one new thing you learned this week in the course. How does it apply to your l.. 2022. 4. 22.
ENVS1301 UNIT2 Discussion Forum: Biodiversity Hotspots and Threatened Species ENVS1301 UNIT2 Discussion Forum Discussion questions for the Second unit and guidelines Your posts should cover the questions below in full, and be at least 300 words long. Then reply to and peer-review at least three other posts by next Wednesday 11:59PM UoPeople Time, and rate the posts and replies. Go to the following link links below. Choose one hotspot that is near the place where you curre.. 2022. 4. 22.
JO1(제이오원) - Voice(너의 목소리) 가사 「夢か?」 雲が切れて 夜が明ける 유메카? 쿠모가 키레테 요가 아케루 "꿈인가?" 구름이 걷히고 날이 밝아 와 ​ 癒されてゆくような気がする 이야사레테 유쿠 요-나 키가 스루 치유되어 가는 느낌이 들어 ​ 君の光と目があった瞬間 키미노 히카리토 메가 앗타 슌칸 너의 빛과 너의 눈이 딱 맞았던 순간 ​ すべてが変わる そして始まる 스베테가 카와루 소시테 하지마루 모든 게 바뀌어 그리고 시작 돼 ​ 胸の鼓動も 微かな勇気も 무네노 코도-모 카스카나 유-키모 가슴의 두근거림도 어렴풋한 용기도 だけど 今 なぜだろう 다케도 이마 나제 다로- 그런데 지금 왜이럴까 ​ 迷い戸惑っている 마요이 토마돗테이루 갈피를 못 잡고 망설이고 있어 ​ 「眩しい君を悲しませたらどうしよう」って '마부시이 키미오 카나시마세타라 도-시욧'테 "눈부.. 2022. 4. 17.
ENVS1301 UNIT1 Learning Journal: Dealing with marine pollution in the waters near urban areas of Japan ENVS1301 UNIT1 Learning Journal 1. Write a brief introduction of yourself in the Learning Journal. 2. Explain why you took this course and what you hope to learn from it. 3. Please describe, in detail, some of the major environmental issues in your local village/community/town/region/nation. What are they? Why are they an issue? Do you know of any current actions to deal with it? 4. If you were .. 2022. 4. 17.
ENVS1301 UNIT1 Discussion Forum: Environment Problems and Environmental Snapshot ENVS1301 UNIT1 Discussion Forum Please find the instructions for the FIRST discussion assignment Your posts should cover the questions below in full, and be at least 300 words long. Then reply to and peer-review at least three other posts by next Wednesday 11:59PM UoPeople Time, and rate the posts and replies. One: If you live in the USA, then go to the EPA website at this following link, and at.. 2022. 4. 17.
포카리스웨트 광고 일본 역대 광고와 해외 광고 비교 제가 개인적으로 좋아하는 일본 CM이 바로 오오츠카 제약의 포카리스웨트 광고예요. 스토리성도 있고, 아무튼 아이디어가 너무 좋아요. 매년 기대하고 있지만, 오늘은 일본의 역대 CM과 포카리 스웨터가 발매되고 있는 나라의 CM을 비교해 보려고 합니다! ~일본 포카리스웨트 역대 광고~ ① 2009년~2015년 카와구치 하루나 1995년생 가와구치 하루나 씨는 당시 14세입니다. 현재는 코미디도 해낼 수 있는 엄청 유명한 여배우입니다. 시간의 흐름에 깜짝 놀랬습니다 (그런말 하면 혼날까?ㅋㅋㅋ) 화질이 오래된 느낌이라서 놀라워요ㅋㅋ ② 2015년 나카죠 아야미 나카조 아야미는 당시 18세. 이 광고는 상당히 기억에 새로우신 일본인도 많을겁니다. 메시지성 높고 멋있죠. ③ 2016~2018년 야기 리카코 포카리.. 2022. 4. 10.
ポカリスエット 歴代CMと海外CM 比較 個人的に好きなCMが大塚製薬のポカリスエットなんですよね。 ストーリー性もあるし、とにかくアイデアが良い!! 毎年楽しみにしているのですが、今日は日本の歴代CMとポカリスウェットが発売されている国で放映されているCMの比較をしてみたいと思います! ~日本のポカリスエット歴代CM~ ① 2009年~2015年 川口春奈 1995年生まれの川口春奈さんは当時14歳。美人やなぁ。。。 現在はお笑いもこなせる超有名女優です。時間の流れにハッとさせられます。(そんなこと言ったら怒られるかな) 画質が古くて、びっくりです(笑) ② 2015年 中条あやみ 中条あやみさんは当時18歳。 このCMは結構記憶に新しい方も多いんじゃないでしょうか? シュールやなぁと思った記憶があります。でもメッセージ性高くてかっこいいですよね。 ③ 2016~2018年 八木莉可子 ポカリスエットのCMが一躍有名になった.. 2022. 4. 10.