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“Factors That Have the Strongest Influence over Work Behaviors” with SAS(Case Study) SAS is the world’s largest privately held software company; they have over 10,000 employees worldwide, operate in over 100 countries, ranked number 1 on Fortune’s 2010 list of the “Best Companies to Work For”(Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B., 2010). They focused on employee benefits even during the recession and succeeded in maintaining employee loyalty and motivation. I will describe how.. 2021. 7. 3.
Big Five Personality Traits in Business I chose Openness from “Big Five Personality Traits” as the most important personality trait that aligns with my job. The textbook teaches us "openness is the degree to which a person is curious, original, intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas"(Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B., 2010, chap.2). I am working as an exterior designer in Japan. To explain it briefly, I design the garden .. 2021. 7. 3.
Sleeping Deprivation and Obesity All of us know that we can not live without sleeping. Sleep deprivation decreases our concentration and lower performance in study or work. But is that only? Some research reports the relativeness between sleep deprivation and obesity. If we can reduce our weight healthy and efficiently, is it not attractive to us? ・Purpose of the research Although sleep is a restorative process that plays an im.. 2021. 7. 3.
The nervous system and Sleep Disturbance The nervous system is the most important function in our body, dominates the whole of our body. All of the signals from the body has conveyed to the brain through nerves. I will describe the general structure and function of the nervous system first and then share my experience of sleep disturbance in this assignment. As a premise, the nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervou.. 2021. 7. 3.
How Genetics and Epigenetics Affects Our Behavior Part I. Genetics and Epigenetics The clearest elements of genetics and epigenetics we can identify may be said appearances such as skin colors or specific facial features. How does it affect our view and interaction with others? I want to share my own experience in this assignment. I had lived in Canada For about two years when I was a high school student. But I could not communicate in English .. 2021. 7. 2.
An Example of SMART Goal I assume I've become the top manager of a company and describe each part of the SMART technique -- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound – providing relevant details about the goal for each component of the goal-setting process in this assignment. I am working at a construction company now, so I established a SMART goal supposing I became an owner of a company that mainly p.. 2021. 6. 25.
Corporate Operation and Management Skill What is management? The textbook explains its word as “The art of getting things done through the efforts of other people”(Carpenter & Erdogan, 2010, v1.1). In other words, management means providing direction and coordination, leading human efforts and planning, organizing, and controlling the operation of people, materials, machines, methods, money, and the basic elements of the market to achi.. 2021. 6. 25.
The Scientific Method in Psychology The scientific method is indispensable for understanding nature around and within us, even when considering our mental status or behaviors. But is the scientific method only one way to explain it? I will describe the way to study our behaviors by using other ways in this assignment. First, how can we explain our behavior with science? Biological psychologists focus on the immediate causes of beh.. 2021. 6. 24.
Hippocampus and Empirical Method I will describe an empirical method, and I will share my experience as empirical evidence in this discussion assignment. As a premise, what is an empirical method? According to the textbook, "An empirical method for acquiring knowledge is one based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities"(Spielman et al., 201.. 2021. 6. 24.
手島葵 - 明日への手紙(내일로의 편지) 가사 元気でいますか。 겡키데 이마스카 건강하십니까 ​ 大事な人はできましたか。 다이지나 히토와 데키마시타카 소중한 사람은 생겼습니까 ​ いつか夢は叶いますか。 이츠카 유메와 카나이마스카 언젠가 꿈은 이루었습니까 ​ この道の先で 코노 미치노 사키데 이 길의 앞에서 ​ 覚えていますか 오보에테 이마스카 기억하고 있습니까 ​ 揺れる麦の穂 あの夕映え 유레루 무기노 호 아노 유바에 흔들리는 보리 이삭 그 저녁놀 ​ 地平線 続く空を探し続けていた 치헤이센 츠즈쿠 소라워 사가시 츠즈케테이타 지평선 이어지는 하늘을 찾아 헤메고 있었어 ​ 明日を描こうともがきながら 아스워 에가쿠토 모가키 나가라 내일을 그리자며 발버둥치면서 ​ 今夢の中へ 이마 유메노 나카에 지금 꿈속으로 ​ 形ないものの輝きを 카타치 나이 모노노 카가야키워 형태가 없는.. 2021. 6. 22.
YOASOBI もう少しだけ (조금만 더) 가사 もう少しだけ、もう少しだけ 모오 스코시다케, 모오 스코시다케 조금 더, 조금만 더 踏み出せたのなら 후미다세타노나라 다가갈수 있었다면 そう小さな優しさを 소오 치이사나 야사시사워 그런 작은 다정함을 分け合えたのなら 와케아에타노나라 나눌 수 있었다면 ありふれた一日が 아리후레타 이치니치가 평범했던 하루하루가 ​素敵な日になっていくほら 스테키나 히니 낫테 유쿠 호라 꽤 멋진 하루가 될 거야, 봐봐 そうやって何度でも 소오얏테 난도데모 그렇게 몇 번이나 ​喜びはめぐる 요로코비와 메구루 기쁨은 돌아와 慌ただしく過ぎる朝に 아와타다시쿠 스기루 아사니 정신없이 지나가는 아침에 いつも通り過ぎる朝に 이츠모 도오리 스기루 아사니 언제나처럼 흘러가는 아침에 頼まれたお使いと予定を照らす 타노마레타 오츠카이토 요테이워 테라스 해야 할 심부.. 2021. 6. 21.
1.4 POLC機能(計画 - 組織化 - 主導 - 管理) 管理の原則は、計画、編成、指導、および管理の4つの主要な機能(POLCフレームワーク)に長い間分類されてきた。しかしPOLC機能は理想的かもしれないが、実際の管理者の日常の行動を正確に描写していないという批判的な観察もある。 Planning(P) 計画 計画は、目標を設定し、それらの目標を達成するための行動方針を決定することを含む管理の機能である。 計画を立てるには、管理者が組織が直面している環境条件を認識し、将来の条件を予測する必要があり、マネージャーが優れた意思決定者である必要がある。 計画は、いくつかのステップで構成されるプロセスであり、環境スキャンenvironmental scanningから始まる。それは経済状況、競合他社、および顧客の観点から、組織が直面している重大な不測の事態に注意払うことである。その後、計画担当者は将来の状況を予測し、その予測は、計画の基礎を形成する.. 2021. 6. 21.